3 yo Won't Stay in Her Room


Our almost 4 year old daughter is a high misbehaving child and is on the ticket system. She does not stay in her room at naptime, bedtime, or when she loses all of her tickets, unless we lock the door. This week we decided to give her the personal responsibility of staying in her room without locking the door. She is now leaving her room over and over again. Each time she leaves, we quickly put her back without talking to or engaging with her. This lasts for her entire naptime and over 3 hours at bedtime. We're using the necklace on the door knob technique from Dr Rosemond's book. The consequences for leaving her room the 2nd time are no playing outside, no favorite toys, no special treats, etc. for the following day. Is there a better method to get our daughter to stay in her room?

Thank you

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