3 yo trouble keeping hands to self


I enrolled my son in a Mother's Day Out program one day a week when he turned 3 back in March. He doesn't have any siblings, so I felt like he would benefit from socializing and being around other children. He did fine in the program before summer break, as the program isn't available in the summer. He started back, "in a different classroom" yesterday and he didn't have a good day! The director of the program called to inform me that my son wasn't cooperating for the teacher, was pushing and hitting other children and shouting in their faces. She said that she thinks my son thought it was a game. I told the director that I was surprised because I have never witnessed my son being mean to other children and definitely have never seen him push or hit. I explained to her that I do recognize that my son is very active, has a hard time sitting still and extremely strong willed. The director emailed me later to inform me that she spoke with my son's teacher from his old class, the teacher said that my son was a very "busy boy and strong willed", but my son was fine for her. So the director thinks that maybe it was because its a new environment with more children. " I don't know what to think", but I feel that because my son is more assertive and active than most children, he is perceived as being mean. He likes to tag other children because he wants them to chase him, but a lot of the time other children perceive "him tagging them" as hitting them. I made my son stay in his room for 2 hours and told him that he needs to keep his hands and feet to himself because other kids don't like to be touched and it scares them. Other parents that have more passive kids also perceive my son as being mean, which is "frustrating". In the past, I have refereed "as little as possible" my son while playing with other children. I feel that is how they learn "the best" to play and socialize with one another. I would step in "only" if things were out of hand, which was a rarity. I would appreciate any thoughts or tips to help my son learn to be more gentle and not touch other children? Should I start refereeing my son more while playing with other children? Also, if this problem continues, should I just pull him out of the program? Thank You!

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