14-year-old homework hassles


My son is 14 and has ADHD. He takes medication daily since Kindergarten. He has trouble focusing in school. He constantly has missing assignments and claims he has no homework. The teachers do a terrible job notifying us. His grades suffer because he can't seem to handle the full load of schoolwork. He lies to the teachers saying he forgot his homework at home and then lies to me and says its at school. When is reality he didn't do it. He fails most quizzes and tests. He has a 504 IEP but it only has things like sit close to board, take tests outside of classroom, on it. It does not have a lessened homework plan because when they test him independently, he scores high. He is starting high school and I'm afraid he will never get out of high school. He is a typical teenage boy, can be loving and kind, and disrespectful and defiant. I would like advice on how to tackle the new school year that is two weeks away!!!

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