15 Year Old More Focused on Self Than Family


My question-Should I hold off on the talent nurturing (train up a child the way), I think I need to do one activity per child. Encouraging talent in my teen 15 years 2morrw 08/16/2016 (he loves singing-all year hobby and plays basketball once year); which means I have to be taking him to talent shows, auditions and bball games and training.

But as a single mom with two other kids this is not fair 2 them or my health. I also pay for his phone so he can have followers and fans on instagram and he sells his CD which brings in income. Grades last year - had 3 D's and an E rest was A's and B's. He is always on the phone doing business or chatting with friends. I cant buy a new dresser just yet dresser in our house but he is disorganized with clothes all over and don't pick up after self to put in the closet. He says his brother make the room dirty (they all three share a room 2-closet) but 7 year old sleeps with me. I have to remind them to put plates away and pick-up clothes in bathroom.But I do notice when he has to do music or bball he will be the one reminding me and not the other way around. He wakes up 15 minutes to school bus coming... he has never missed it ( gets clothes ready at night, hair product etc)

Any advice or plan for new school year would be appreciated. I want the younger kids to learn to be organized.

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