Bigger ticket item for 4 year old.


I have been using the ticket system for 3ish months now with my son who turned 4 last week. His target behavior is "obeying the first time". While he's not perfect, he's gotten SOO MUCH BETTER!! (Applause!)
About 3 weeks ago we added another behavior "hurting others" (hitting, kicking, pinching, pushing...anything physical. he understands well what this includes.) we haven't really made much progress with that's definitely an issue. And he has a 23 month old brother who repeatedly does things that frustrate him (like mostly 2 year olds would!) to which he often responds physically.
But the pressing issue right now (and pretty much all of a sudden) is his mouth! It's unbelievable how disrespectful he can be when he's mad/doesn't get his way. Just mean and spiteful... And he doesn't calm down quickly. I don't take it personally or worry about the actual things he says (screaming I DO NOT LIKE You! I will NEVER be your friend! Etc etc) but it is waring and is escalating quickly.
The obvious answer seems to me to add it to his target behavior list with his tickets but we so recently added a new behavior...and I think the going to his room is losing its consequence...he's the most imaginative and adventurous little boy! Going to his room feels devastating right when it happens but 15 minutes later he's enthralled in an imaginative world, no toys/entertainment necessary. (This is actually one of the things I adore about him!!)
I know I can't try to tackle too much at once but his rude speech is simply out of control. I don't think I can ignore it much longer. And I don't want to remove "hurting others" from the list either.
What would you suggest? I got my cheek flicked or soap in my mouth ALL THE TIME as a kid for being rude/sassy. (Like mom like son I guess!) would this be appropriate? Thanks for your reply.

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