9 yo, 4 yo Sibling Conflict


I have 2 children (9 year old daughter, 4 year old son). I frequently find myself mediating sibling conflict despite the fact that I don't want to. I think the main reason is due to the vast difference in their ages/ maturity.

Son has taken to frequent tattling. Will say sister is being "mean" to him when maybe she just doesn't want to play what he wants to play or some such idiocy. I considered holding son solely responsible for this BUT-- am concerned that sister may take advantage of this eventually and also worried that son may not come tell me something important (like someone physically hurt him). On the flip side, I don't want to punish the sister (who is an extremely low misbehaver) for something that son is clearly instigating. He also tattles frequently for neighborhood kids being "mean" to him as well. Please help me stop micromanaging this.

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