9 yo Ignore the Drama


We have been using the ticket system for the last few weeks. It has worked very well with a significant increase in good behaviour.
However last night our 9 year old became very frustrated when he was told to do his spellings again. After a period of moaning he said "I might as well kill myself" he went to the kitchen and got a knife and was hold to his stomach. I remained calm, took it off him and finally he did his homework. Later we spoke and ge said he hates always being told what to do and that probably life would be better if he killed himself. This morning he is normal self but whenI asked he said he still wants to kill himself. He has said this a few times over the last couple of years, always when he is told to do something he doesn't like. Obviously im very concerned but don't really think he needs a child psychologist. Rather discipline and help expressing his feelings. ..Please help

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