7 yo Nighttime Fears


P.S. to Fear/Crying/Whining
I guess I only needed to sit down and write to you for inspiration to finally strike five minutes later. Tonight at bedtime we told her that when she can't sleep in her bed all night and is waking up and crying and coming into our room, it's a sign to us that she needs a lot more rest (and knowing our daughter as we do, that is probably 100% true), so the next day she will not be able to go out and play with friends or siblings, but will need to stay inside and do restful, quiet things, like reading and drawing. We'll see how this works in the long run. What do you think? I think we could apply this same treatment for excessive whininess and over-dramatizing, and I really like it because it's only going to help, not hurt, if she really is actually in pain and suffering. Anyway, she fell asleep less than five minutes after we informed her of this plan, which is a miracle considering the last week of bedtime hysteria.

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