11 yo Misbehaving


11 year old, is oldest of 4 siblings and in 6th grade. Has multiple issues throughout school years and at home relating to lack of respect for authority and anger issues. In most cases, dis-harmony is the result of his arguing, blaming or criticizing others or proving his point. He takes no responsibility for his own actions and always blames it on past situations or someone else. Trying to talk to him is pointless as he just doesn't get it. He has a brilliant investigative mind but goes into long descriptions and monopolizes conversations. He frequently aggravates siblings for no reason and at other times he's a protective big brother to the point of issuing threats without any concern for the propriety of such actions His younger siblings have not always respected his projects or space and all siblings spend a lot of time on I pads etc. He shows no understanding or patience for sibling immaturity resulting in his yelling, screaming or hurting them. Frequently says "you don't understand how hard my life is" or how unfair things are to him, and he easily becomes upset and starts crying. He also isolates himself when upset (partly due to adult directives at home and school when things get out of hand). He tries to be friends with some select kids but he is not well accepted by most. He has been to multiple counselors.

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