Where did we go wrong?


Our 9 year old son has broken my heart. He told me yesterday that he hates God and church is so boring and also he hates me and wishes he was born in a different family.

He said I am so strict and never let him do what he wants. We are a religious family and God has always been the central point in our family life. Both our children were being homeschooled.

However we decided to put our son in school 2 months ago as he hated being at home and had big discipline problems. He is doing brilliantly at school and is top of the class.

I tried talking to him about his anger and it seems it stems from not giving him what he wants for example a mobile phone and tablet etc etc.

He doesn't want to hear about God anymore and I told him ok I respect your choice but you need to respect that God is very important to your parents and we won't accept you being rude.

He has since apologized after I told him too but I'm very pained he has no appreciation for what we do for him.
Where did we go wrong?

Thanks very much

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