5 yo, 3 yo Sibling Conflict


We have a five year old girl and three year old b/g twins (all three kids just turn their ages). Our five year old has had some jealousy and resentment issues with the twins in the past and its rearing its ugly head again in the form of pestering and taunting them. And in return they do it back. The worst is when she pesters the girl twin and the girl twins justut it whines. Drives me and my husband crazy. Sometimes the twins start it and we're trying to be better about not always yelling at big sis without knowing what actually happened. I have tried talking to her about it, empathizing with her, asking her to be the big helper and kind big sister, time outs in her room, spanking, yelling. It's better for a while with each form of discipline but never completely resolved. My husband and I hate who we've become...always yelling and literally no one listening to us without a threat. John talks about how parenting shouldn't be "this hard" and honestly it feels like the hardest most frustrating thing I've ever done. Please help!!! I know this is a loaded question! Sorry!

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