15 mo Terrible Twos?


My 15 month old seems to have launched into the terrible twos. Is it possibleat this young age? Overnight, he seems to have turned into a discontented little boy. He whines and tantrums all day long over anything and everything and it is especially hard when I need to get things done ie cook dinner or eat my meals. He will demand to be carried, and if not, toss a fit. The problem is, he keeps crying and screaming until I go to him. No, putting him in the cot to scream will mean he screams for an hour if he's there for an hour until I go to him. What do I do? Is this something I wait for him to grow out? Help! I'm going insane over the constant whining and tantrums. He used to be so low maintenance. How much time do I expect to be spending and playing with him at this age?

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