Updating the Ticket System


Our daughter is really throwing us for a loop lately with some of her behaviors. She appears to be constantly tired and very moody/dramatic. She sleeps 10-11 hours every night and seems to still need a nap on top of that (at least seems like she needs one from the way she is behaving).

She is extremely emotional crying at the drop of a hat and over everything and anything, constantly whining, moping around the house has no desire to play with her things, is disrespectful when answering us back with things like ugggghh whaaat! when spoken her name.
She is extremely demanding if she needs to wait on you for more that a second, she starts screaming "i said I'm finished" louder and louder each time, stomping her feet getting agitated that someone didn't instantly come to her and usually turns into a meltdown in a matter of seconds, this is happening first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Has absolutely no patience for anyone.

She is constantly giving my husband an I dissatisfied/dirty looks. Example: We are in a store we pass the toy aisle and did not turn into the aisle she frumps over in the cart whines/sighs/makes sure we see she is not happy the entire time through the store than come time to get in the car she goes completely limp so it is challenging for me to get her into the car seat. When told to do something she humps over makes dirty faces at us and then puts very little effort into doing whatever it was if it all. (We are doing tickets for not doing what your told for these instances) At mealtimes if you make the slightest remark of do not play with your food or time to finish up she instantly gets an attitude humps over the table and sits there sighing and will refuse to eat any more of her meal , here we have just been excusing her to her room till we are finished. Help, we are exhausted of putting up with this drama every few minutes of the day, everyday! She is quite miserable to be around these days! Can all these instances be handle together on tickets and how? Thank you in advance

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