Nearly 9 Year Old Complainer


My son, (9 in Sept.), constantly feels (and expresses to us in different ways), that he feels slighted, or cheated out of things. He is constantly comparing himself to his brother (6), or sister (3) and the things they get to do or things they are given (by us or other people). For example, he might complain that his brother got to go to a friend's house that day, so I remind him to "worry about himself," and that a few days before, he got to X. It's frustrating to me that he continually compares himself to everyone else and I realize this is probably a product of something my husband and I have done, (but I'm not sure what at this point). Our kids have chores, are responsible for certain things around the house, aren't given much (we are teaching them to save for the things they want). I tell him fair doesn't always mean the same thing for everyone, it means that everyone gets what they need (not want!)

He also recently is grumbling about his daily chores (one of which is emptying the dishwasher), and told his grandma he is the "family slave" and has to do everything around the house (which is hardly true).

Any suggestions? Thanks!

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