16 year old lying, stealing


My 16 year old (adopted at age 9) has been dealing with lying and deception involving taking things from within our home which do not belong to her (candy, lotions, makeup). This started at age 14. We addressed the issue, set consequences to which she did well. However, just recently we found out that she took another girl's phone and an ipod (which she was watching porn). Her "good intentions" for the phone were to return it, but did not. We caught her the day after she took it. The Christian family involved worked with us, apologies have been made and my daughter's own money was given to compensate for the inconvenience. Our daughter seems remorseful; however, what is seen is not always true to the heart. At present, there are no electronics accessible to her. She will be researching and writing essays on the topic of stealing as well as interviewing a policeman. My question: are we on the right track? What consequences would be appropriate?

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