CSP dawdling question - more


My husband and I started the CSP last week with my 10 year old son. I have a question about handling dawdling with homework. In your book you primarily cover morning time problems. That really isn't an issue in our home, but we do have major homework dawdling. How do we reinforce paying attention and getting done quickly without hovering? Should we peek in periodically and praise or time out based on what we see, or should we set a time frame (even if only in our minds) and praise or time out based on whether the work is done in that time? Also, my husband works some nights - so he is in bed before I come home, and there is no one to observe any dawdling. Is it appropriate for me to call home, or should I just wait and see what is going on after I get home? Thanks so much - and FYI although it hasn't flowed over into school work yet, my sons demeanor and the atmosphere in the house has already improved a lot. He just lights up when ever he gets praised, and it makes me realize how irritated I have been with him, and how that must have come across to him.

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