EMDR - therapies for 3 yo


Do you have any thoughts on using Eye Movement Desenisitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for someone who has gone through trauma? I am asking this for both my husband and our daughter. My husband has truly gone through some things that one would describe as traumatic and in going to a therapist, this was mentioned as a possible treatment. In doing some research on my own, I have found that while this may or may not work, there were no negative effects shown.
The other part of this is that the therapist has recommended this for our 3 yr old daughter.
He is NOT seeing her, he just mentioned this because she saw something that could be considered traumatic. Both my husband and I are downplaying the incident in her life and "keeping things normal".
My first thought is.. if my husband wants to try it, fine. My daughter does not need to try it. I hope that I have given enough details. Thank you

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