Stuttering, Stammering or Dysfluency


I tried to research any questions on stammering but could not find my situation.
I have a bright little daughter that has been able to speak in full sentences since before the age of 2. In fact, I have always thought it a little odd about how well she converses however I did not say anything, just smiled and kept on talking to her.
Anyway, these past 3 weeks have shown a progressively worse stammering. Definitely not stuttering, she can say the whole word so it is more of a stammering problem. Words and sentences that used to be no problem for her now take 1-2 minutes for her to say. It is usually the first word of the sentence and then she can say the rest of the sentence.
I have to admit, although I try to underreact as a parent this is freaking me out.
My husband and I have for the most part ignore it or just try to "skip" over it and continue on. A few times we have gotten down on her level, held her hand and said, "slow down, it's okay, we will wait"
Can you please shed some light on this? I am worried my daughter is regressing and am not sure if I am responding correctly or not. She is 33 months.

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