Dad's a buddy...shame on him!


My husband and I differ on parenting styles. His is see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Mine is to check up and follow up. My husband and our 17 year old son are "buddies". My husband does none of the follow up and is not interested in discipline. Of course, I am perceived as the "bad guy" in our home. Lately when I have taken away electronics, phone, etc. for lying, not doing homework, or other infractions, my son has been calling me names. When he called me a B**** in front of my husband, the only thing he was told was "not to talk about your mother like that". No consequences at all. This past weekend, he texted a friend, calling me an even worse name. All this because I took away the computer again due to two failing grades on tests. This has been heartbreaking for me, one, because my husband refuses to stand up for me, and two, to have a child speak of me in that manner. One of us has to parent, and unfortunately that is me and I feel as though I am a single parent. My husband says that it is just not in his nature to discipline or impose consequences. I am so afraid that we have a child spiraling out of control, and I am afraid that the more I push single handedly, the worse I may make the situation. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.

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