
I have an 11 yo daughter whose behavior has been digressing since September of 2023. She was attending a private Christian school. She did well the first 5 weeks then started exhibiting behaviors of crying in class, refusing to go to class, started wetting herself, started having extreme tantrums. The principal stated we had to move her to home school because they couldn't accommodate her behavior. Our situation has only gotten worse. She is still wetting herself; she doesn't care if she is clean or if her bed is full of urine. She is combative and tries to control our house. We provide punishments and consequences for her behaviors to no avail. She will abide for the first 24 hours then she will begin her process of bucking her punishment, tries to renegotiate and then will get physical if her other tactics fail. How can I parent this situation? We stay in prayer for guidance, but our area is very rural with not many resources. The pediatrician has referred us to a neurologist. Help.

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