Grandparent's observation.


My almost 4 year old(in one month) Grand Daughter vigorously fights her parents over many things. In the morning, she fights over the choice of clothes and getting dressed(30-45 mins). She often cries and screams over her breakfast choices. She fights getting dressed(shoes) to go to pre-school. In the evening, she often fights hard to not go to bed. She insists on having many books read to her. Ofter stays up to 1030 pm. Yesterday I was leaving after a week visit. Her Dad asked her to change her pants and underwear because she had been playing outside and wet them. He was dressing her, and she did not like it. She fought changing and screamed she wanted to say good bye to me. Even though she knew I was leaving, she would not get dressed. Both parents work, both kids(2 and 4) are in day care, parents do not believe in many toys. Mostly puzzles. 2 year old seems to be fine. I have given them a subsciption to both Rosemond resources.

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