Toddlers are stubborn and sneaky - really?


We live in a rougher part of town and our front door is close to the road. Because of this and because of my kids being very young (2.5 & 1.5) I don’t want them outside without me. We lock the doorknob and the dead bolt on our door to keep them from going outside. A few days ago while I was in another part of the house they worked together on a “crime.” I went to check on them. I came around the corner just in time to see my youngest walking out into the cold night. His sister had unlocked both locks and opened the door to let him out. It scared me terribly. I spanked them both, put them in time out, took away 75% of the treat they had gotten that day, and put them to bed early. I wanted to make the consequence big enough that they would never do it again. I told them that only Mommy and Daddy can use that door. But they are very stubborn and sneaky. I have baby gate but it doesn’t work well and my husband hates gates. How do I keep the kids from disobeying again and getting hurt?

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