I will soon be beginning college classes (from home) but I’m wondering how to balance being a wife, child rearing, house keeping (and all the laundry and cooking), and find time to study and do my homework. I feel like whenever I sit down to read a book that’s when my 1 year old falls off the couch or my 2 year old has an accident. It’s hard to focus when I have to stop and help off and on. They play decently alone but always have diapers that need changed, accidents, crashes, get hungry, etc. right when I start being able to read and focus. I’ve heard of other mothers who went through many levels of college and got master’s and doctorate degrees while having kids. But I’m not sure how to balance it in my life. I know that college is the right thing for me but the balancing act is worrying me. Do you have some wisdom or advice for this?