Relax your parenting expectations.


I am very overwhelmed with trying to raise my daughter (2 yr). I’m a Christian so I have been praying about this and asking ladies in my church like John mentions doing. I feel like I am constantly disciplining (I’m trying to use John’s method). I don’t know whether to try to take on all the battles at once like I have been or to only focus on certain ones. She has been tearing books, disrespectful, yelling “mine!”, being mean to her baby brother, disobeying, throwing toys, throwing food, having attitudes. We are having a relapse in the potty training that we are also trying to work through. I do alpha speech, stay calm, try to be consistent, and use few words but I still feel stressed out part way through the day. We are also trying to raise our son (1 yr) but there are fewer battles at this point. We have her do small chores (make her bed, put dirty clothes away, throw away the baby’s diapers, put clothes in the washer or dryer, etc.) like John says to do. What am I doing wrong?

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