How Do I Resolve My Daughter's Potty Training Accidents?


Our 4-year-old daughter continues to have pee “accidents.” I’m putting that word in quotation because I don’t know why she pees herself, because she’s been potty trained since she was 25 months old. She clearly knows how and where to go potty.

Anyway, she had two accidents this past week. Today she was outside in the backyard and she simply peed herself standing about three feet from the back door. Then she said, “I peed myself!” There was no apparent reason why she didn’t go inside or tell us she needed to go.

How do we resolve this? We make her clean up her clothes but that doesn’t phase her. We put her to bed early on days when she has an “accident,” but that doesn’t phase her, either. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen super often or with any regular frequency, but she certainly doesn’t seem remorseful when it happens. And we never thought our 4-year-old would continue to have “accidents.” Please help. Thank you!

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