My 11y old son (adopted within our family) got diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder. We do a wholistic approach such as yours. Recently, he had been showing exemplary behavior for about a month. His father and I were happy about it but leary as well since he hasn’t had more than a few good days before this over the past 6 years. We recently found in the bathroom he uses at least 50 candy wrappers and his school laptop hidden in the back of the linen closet. We looked at the search history and he had been getting up a few times each night and watching YouTube for several hours each time. I told him his computer needs to be given to me each day after school. Then he wasn’t bringing home his computer. Called teacher and the teacher said he doesn’t let the kids take home computers. So he had been stealing it. Teacher only talked to him. What would be a proper consequence for stealing and sneaking?