Working on one behavior at a time.


4 yr old aggressive son, next question: turns out I have come to realise I am enabling bad behavior by being a pushover of a mother. I need to sort out his behaviour, and my responses to it, before he starts school in May. Target behaviours that needs addressing are Aggression (started 1.5 weeks ago immediately, or straight after preschool, confining him in his room. We are seeing improvements).
Defiance towards me and other adults (I have just started saying no to multiple things he wants and explaining it's for saying no earlier in the day)
Needs to improve concentration for tasks he has no interest in doing eg colouring, drawing, writing when asked to do it (Should I start inforcing a 15 minute activity time each day to stretch his ability to concentrate?) Thoughts on these?
Should I wait until I have the agresssion under control and then start 'Tickets' for 'not doing as an adult has told you'? Or start tickets now?

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