Two-Year-Old's Tantrums


I have 3 sons: 3, 2.5 (fostered than adopted-been with us since 2 months old) and a 2 month old. I have two questions:

1. I work from home two days/week, and my mom and sister-in-law help those days. They basically provide constant attention to the older two except if they are tending to the baby. Should I redirect them to do other things rather than act as a playmates/attention givers all day long? I’m concerned it’s teaching them they are still the centers of attention in the house.

2. Our middle child has basically been in tantrum mode since 18 months. I try to stay cool, calm and collected but it’s really hard some days when he is literally screaming no in my face. He minds my husband really well but really pushes boundaries with me and is extremely defiant at times. We have a time out/tantrum space, but I’m getting really tired of dealing with it, especially now being sleep deprived with a newborn. Any other tools to help?

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