Controlling behavior from an 8 year old.


Hello, a big thank you for your constant help.
I have a new question about my 8 year old step son (whom we have with us about 1-2 days a week). He wants us to repeat everything that is being said to him. At anything he hears he right away asks ‘What?’. He doesn’t have hearing problems, when the phrase is repeated (at the same distance and volume) he reacts. I tested this many times, or simply told him one time and waited for him to ‘hear’ it; or told him ‘you heard it’ and he would react. He was diagnosed with ADHD about 2 years ago, so at his moms house it was never mentioned as a problem, since I suppose if it did, she would blame it on his diagnosis. My husband does not see it as a big problem and repeats everything he says twice. Our 3.5 year old daughter tries to pick up on the habit, since she repeats everything he says. I wanted to know your opinion on this issue.
Thank you!

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