Hello - I need some advice for dealing with moody and temperamental behavior in my 14 year old. I've read Teen Proofing and recognize that I may be a micromanager and am trying to step back and let my daughter deal with the negative consequences of her actions. That is where I am somewhat stuck. She complains of being bored and having nothing to do. If her younger sister (12) won't interact with her, she picks fights with her. She is moody and petulant with all of us (primarily me) if she doesn't get her way. She doesn't have a phone or tablet so the only Internet connection available is through our computer, which I have placed access limits on. That gets a lot of push back from her.
I don't want to micromanage, as overall she's not doing anything really bad and she's a B student (with a couple As), but I feel like her "temper tantrums" shouldn't be tolerated either, especially at her age. But how do I punish her? Any extracurricular activities through school have been cancelled due to Covid. She doesn't have a lot of social activities outside of school. I don't know if it's time to kick her out of the Garden or if that would be counterproductive.
Thank you!