Hi again,
Some weeks ago I asked for advice re: potty training my 22 month old son (he was 20 months then). We've been at it for almost 2 months now. This is by far the longest I have ever had to spend potty training, and I understand all kids are different but we are just not making any progress now. The first couple weeks were rough and every day was only accidents. Now he does pee and sometimes even poop in the potty, but it is NEVER because he indicates he needs to. We are basically watching the clock all day long and sit him down and he pees, but often if he's drinking more and peeing more often, we're just not able to predict when he needs to go.
We're at a loss as to what to do and are really considering just putting a diaper back on, but still sitting him down to pee as we do now. We know this is counterintuitive but we just can't keep washing our floors 10 times a day and doing laundry every night. We have 2 other kids and they have a lot of extracurricular activities we need to take them to daily.
Please advise what we can change or implement to move things forward. I feel like we've tried everything. It's very disheartening and just physically we can't continue this way. I renewed my membership because I have always felt I could turn here for help, and I know you can't guarantee that your suggestions will work, but we're just about ready to throw our hands up and go back to diapers.
Thank you!