Marijuana Madness


Hello.. again.. thank you for all your previous answers and advice.
I would like thoughts on my husband using marijuana. It will be legalized in our state January 2020, so he's getting it illegally now and I suspect that the way he acquires it won't change after the new year. I found out through a series of events that he smokes (and vapes) it two years ago now. I didn't know it was part of his past when we got married. We have had a series of arguments about how I don't want it in my home and I don't ever want my two kids to think it is an appropriate way to cope. My husband is a daily user, multiple times per day usually. He uses it in the garage and sometimes during his work day. I feel like there are so many view points out there about it and I don't know what to make of all of it. Is this something that a father and husband should do? Is it right? I frankly hate it, but can't convince him to quit. He won't talk to me about any kind of feelings he has and anytime I bring up the pot he gets defensive and angry most of the time. Any advice where to go from here?
Also, my kids are precious to me and I don't want them to ever pick this habit up.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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