Hi. My son just entered kindergarten at a small parochial school. The teacher has 20 kids, more than she's had. She has told all the parents the class is chatty. She has tried four or five behavior strategies in the 4 weeks of school (blocks taken away, tickets for quiet behavior, pompoms added to a jar) and none are working. They also get only one 20 minute recess, and gym is once or twice a week, so it's hard to burn off energy.
She is now sending home a behavior chart each day to each kid. It just says, "Today I had trouble with..." or "Today I did well with..." and a list of behaviors. Mostly, it has been, "I had trouble with staying quiet."
As a teacher myself, I tend to come up with classroom management strategies and consequences for the kids at school. But I feel like she needs support from me outside of school.
However, the class (according to her) is constantly talking, so for a kid to be quiet in a class full of talking kids is going to take a very big consequence at home.
I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.