Morning dawdle


I asked a question about a 5 yo morning dawdle and have since enforced it, giving him 25 minutes (with a timer) to brush his teeth, get dressed and make his bed. Sent him to bed an hour earlier, and room confinement after school if he does not complete the routine in 25 minutes. I’ve done this for 2- 3 weeks with very, very little improvement. He’s maybe made it 3x in total so he’s been going to bed early almost every night and continues to play with his sister or toys, or waste time in the mornings. As for early bedtime, Some nights it’s impossible to enforce early bedtime due to the family eating out (we have to wait for hubby to come home after work). Perhaps I need to make his room even more boring? At the moment he has his many books, cuddly bedtime toys and his colour pencils and papers in his room.
Should we also enforce the routine rule 7 days a week? At the moment we are doing school days only.
He also dawdles during mealtimes, and talks and disturbs his sister.

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