Teenager Vaping


Hello, My son is 17 and will be 18 in 3 months. He spends 1/2 his time at my house and 1/2 his time at his dad's house. His dad and I have found vape pods 3-4 times over the past 2 years and have told him we don't approve. Last time he lost the use of his vehicle for a week I think. He has decent grades and generally is not a troublemaker. I found another pod last night. He tried to hide it from me then when he showed me what he had, he claimed it is an old one and he is no longer using it. Of course, I know that is not the case. How excited do I need to be over this? I don't agree with him using it, know it is addictive and expensive. He has a vehicle and he has a job and I give him $100 per month to pay for whatever expenses he has (probably including pods). It will be hard to ensure he never buys one or uses one. I am not sure what I should do. He has a 15 year old younger brother and his dad found a pod in his back pack. Thanks so much for any guidance.

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