Daughter Not Eating Packed Lunch



I have a follow up question to my last. My daughters teacher keeps informing me daily that my daughter “ didn’t like her lunch” (which is everyday now for a few weeks). I did learn a few things about lunch time that I think are contributing to it and would like your advice on any recommendations I can give the teacher. During the summer program the kids watch movies while eating lunch in the classroom. The teacher has recently started sitting with my daughter to help her “focus” on her lunch instead. I think this is creating the perfect opportunity for my daughter to have someone to complain to about her food so she doesn’t have to eat it and instead watch the movie. She also informed me that during the school year my daughter was throwing out her lunches, which we had no idea of. When she is home she will not ask for a snack or say she is hungry because by now she knows she will be served what she previously didn’t finish. What should I do with her uneaten lunches after school? And any recommendations to give her teacher during lunch time? Thank you

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