Picky Eater Solution...Stay the Course!



I have a question about my 7 year old daughter who likes to go through phases of being extremely picky with her food. Majority of the time she eats what is put in front of her even though she may not like it. She knows she's not going to get anything different. We have applied the principles from the Rosemond books about meal times since she was small but she still has always had very picky tendencies and she's getting more extreme with them.

She is currently refusing ALL of her meals, picking out individual pieces of food that she only wants, like eating just the raisins out of a bowl of cereal. She's making all sorts of annoying sound effects during meals (showing how much she's hating it), gagging, saying she wants to poop on her food, etc. We have always set a time limit for meals and she is using that to her advantage by purposely eating slow to get out of finishing whats on her plate. Currently she is attending summer school and is completely refusing to eat all her packed lunches or will only eat one piece of something she wants. If I packed a single grape thats all she would eat. Her teacher informed me that she is asking other kids for their "treats" at school. She did the same thing this time last year too. What would be the best way to handle this situation? Thank you!

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