Address marriage issues first.


My husband is a soldier who suffers from PTSD and probably TBI from his time in Combat. He is getting worse and has always refused to get help. When our kids were little they didn’t understand a lot of his actions and I could just brush things he did under the table and move on. Now at 12 and 7 years and my husband getting worse, my kids now see and understand more of how he acts. He has big time anger issues. He’s never physical but very emotionally unstable. The things he does goes against what I have taught my kids that they should act like and treat others. I always believe parents should be on the same page...working together and not talking bad about each other to the children. So far I have told my kids he has anger problems because of the war and he loves them. But what message am I sending if we just keep taking the emotional abuse and he refuses to get help? I’m scared to leave because my state will award half custody no matter what. I just don’t know what to do.

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