Leadership parenting is not always popular ...but worth it.


Hi again!
I asked a question about my now-17-year-old son a couple of months ago. I followed the advice given, as well as that in John's book about teens and as result, surprise surprise, my son decided that the rules at my house were "unreasonable" and stormed out one day after being questioned about his whereabouts and completing his chores. I calmly explained to him as he was leaving that if he chose to leave, he would have to earn his way back into the home and would not merely be allowed to come and go as he pleased to collect any belongings he left behind. Later that day I placed most of his clothing in bags and left them on the driveway for him to collect.

I haven't heard from him in about 3 weeks but last week I got paperwork from my ex's lawyer stating I was an emotionally abusive mother who threw her son and his things out with the trash (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist). Long story short, he claims my son is never coming home and wants to change the child support agreement. I've been thinking I'll just wait for my son to come to his senses and get in touch with me again, but now I have some doubt. Should I be reaching out just to say hi or I love you, hope you're well or anything to that effect? Any advice welcomed. Thank you.

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