Every single time I have to tell my 10 year old daughter "No" about anything she completely freaks out!! Last night she decided at 8pm she wanted Starbucks. I explained to her that I would be happy to get her Starbucks the next morning but it was too late for even the tiniest bit of caffeine because it was almost bed time. She went crazy and would not stop arguing with me for over an hour about it. I was literally shaking because I was so stressed out. About an hour ago she asked if we could go to the new escape room place in town tonight. I explained that it's a school night and we have to do dinner and homework but I would be happy to book the room and we can go Friday night! She started crying and arguing and losing her mind because she wants to go right now!! She wanted popcorn the other day but because she has braces I had to tell her that she would have to pick a different snack because popcorn is the worst thing to eat with braces and that is not allowed. She got completely irrate and wouldn't eat any other snack and wouldn't stop screaming and crying about popcorn. It's completely ridiculous and I really don't even know where to begin to break this spoiled habit!!!