Shy at 3 is ok.


I am concerned about 3 years old daughter. She is in preschool twice a week. She likes to go to school very much
But there is a problem- she is quiet and never talks in school. The teacher says she understand her everything but she is just quiet. She is talking when she is a leader in her class, so she would say appropriate words as "clean up time", etc. When me or my husband are going to pick her up and meet her she starts to talk to him or me that second. Everything what she hold in school she is telling us.
The same situation with people who visits us. She can not even say "hi'. But with people who our close friends and visit us or her grandparents she talks to them..sometimes! Sometimes she even doesn't want say a word too.
Our guess- she might be shy to strangers..but we afraid that it is not really good to be shy at school where she really needs to talk!
Thank you!

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