You are trying to do what?



My 13 year old daughter has asked to speak with a counselor for her anxiety issues and depression issues. She has made statements of doing possible self harm. We are looking into someone that is a Christian counselor. We do not want her on medication. Our church was willing to speak with her but she has refused.

We have been trying to get back on track at school with grades and her self-esteem. She spends hours on AP Math homework which my husband, myself, and her teachers know she can do.

She says it is too hard for her and ends up crying and or lashing out at us trying to help her with it at night. We have talked with her teachers and asked to have a hard copy of her math book so that we can see and try and help her. She really resents us for having done this. The school actually called us to meet with them making sure we were aware of her behavior and grades at school.

It is hard to give her positive praise or even talk to her about getting her self organized. She is very smart and very stubborn at the same time. Up until this year she has always made straight A's and a B or two. We do not expect her to be perfect but we do expect her to try her best and we just are not seeing it.

We are all getting mad and shouting at one another and I am trying very hard to stop this in our family.

Any suggestions you have would be of great help.

Thank you.

Concerned mom

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