My children 12, 11, 8 have gone to Catholic school since Kindergarten. My 12 year old son is in 7th and we are starting to think about HS. There are only 3 in our area. #1 is an all boys college prep outstanding school with a reputation for producing respectful young men. The others are acceptable, but definitely second rate compared to #1. My husband and I feel that it is a no brainer for our son to shoot for #1 and put the others as second and third choice. #1 only accepts 1/3 of applicants (based on a placement test score) and we think its worth a shot. He, being 12, and knowing all there is, especially that mom and dad are always wrong, is totally against this school. No good reasons given, just that he wants to go where his friends are going (even though 2 of them have parents who are also shooting for #1). I feel since we are paying we get to decide, as this is a big decision that he is just not mature enough to make. If he was in public school he'd have no choice in where to go. However, I am reading Teen Proofing and realize this may be micromanaging and I don't want to force him to go here (if he is accepted) and alienate him completely during his teenage years. Should we force him to put #1 as first choice on his placement test or let him make his own decision on this?