6 yr old girl needs to do better on chores


My 6 year old has school all day from 8:30-3:00pm, homework, piano practices and chores. She complains the most about her chores (she tidies up her room, unpacks and washes her lunch boxes) after school. We try to get most of the homework done during the weekends so she’s freer during the weekdays. She also gets some chores during the weekends, maybe 30 mins at most. However, the amount of poor attitude, resistance moaning, groaning and saying why can’t she play now is slowly driving me insane. She gets to play many free hours on Saturday and Sunday btw. How can I get rid of this sense of entitlement to only have fun, and not do a scrap of work if I let her, and instill the value of hard work in a child? Also, how can I expect a high standard in doing things eg good handwriting, doing just about anything to a high standard? She is the more lazy child who will do things rather sloppily when she’s capable of doing it much much better?

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