Regaining Authority


We moved back home while my husband is deployed and now I am having isses with my 7yo daughter. This is not the first time he's had to leave but when he does I feel like I am not taken seriously. Where he merely looks at them and there is action, I have to raise my voice. Now since he has left, there have been some issues with ungratefulness, i.e. "i have the worst life", "I hate this truck"(we are borrowing a family member's smaller truck in the meantime and much more of the like. We are more than provided for so I do not understand this attitude. Other things we are dealing with are fits when she doesn't hear the response she wants or likes, talking back to her teacher and myself. She is certainly strong willed but believes she cannot learn a thing from an adult and that she's got it all figured out. My mother-in-law says that I talk too much and try to reason with her. I receive her criticism and feel I have a bad habit of this. I have tried spankings over the years and it doesn't work. Now that we are finally situated after the move, I have started a strike chart and she is spending some time in an empty room for being disrespectful to her teacher. I am hoping for some other practical applications for her and myself from here on out. Thank you!

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