5 yo Bedtime Wetness


My five year old boy has been potty trained since he was three but has been peeing in his bedroom mostly at night. He will pee in his toys or a toy chest, he chooses places that can hide his pee. He hasn't been making it through the night without peeing for quite a while now but we figured he would grow out of it being a boy and nature would just take it's course but it seems to be getting worse. We simply ask him to take his dirty clothes to the laundry hamper and make his bed and he's been willing to do that. But now he is peeing everywhere. Lying about it and hiding it and I'm not sure how to approach the situation. Just clean it and move on as we have or...
One detail that is probably at the root of this is that we have a new baby who is seven weeks old. But even with that I'm not sure how to react anymore. It seems like nothing is working even before the baby arrived. We did get him a vibrating tool that detects a P so that he wakes up but he seems completely scared of it even though we are still making him wear it.

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