Breaking habit of 5yo sleeping with mom


For a variety of reasons, my 5 year old and I have been sleeping in the same bed for the last 7 months. We recently moved fro a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house to a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom condo. I snore and my husband is a light sleeper so it bothers him. It doesn't bother my son. My husband has fairly frequent insomnia and lays in bed watching tv. I need total darkness and quiet to sleep. My husband will not change his habits.
Anyway, we are old (48 yo) parents of a 5 yo. When it hits 8-9pm I'm ready to crash. So my son and I head to bed together. I know it is important for him to have a bedtime and stick to it. We have failed in that arena. But with school coming up that will change.
He starts kindergarten in the fall. My husband and I are just starting the process to build a house. It will be a while before we move. With my husband unwilling to turn off the tv in the bedroom I don't see the situation changing soon either.
The actual problem: our son will not go to bed without me laying down with him. In a few weeks his bedtime will be earlier and I'm not likely to crash with him. Any suggestions on how to get him to go to bed without me (without sobs and gobs of tears)?

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