Separation and Time with Children


My husband is a covert narcissist. After many years of a bad marriage we have "separated". (I cannot divorce him for fear a judge will give him alone time with our children) He is very immature and irresponsible. Even though he is a successful engineer I cannot trust him to keep the kids safe. He lives upstairs in our house. The children and I live on the main level. He has nothing to do with us for for the most part and seems content with this situation. He has rarely helped my parent properly and has only caused problems by allowing the kids to do and say whatever they want. He has even told my 9 year old many times in the past she doesn't have to listen to me at all.
My question is what do I tell the kids now that he has gone completely silent? He walks around like we don't exist. My nine year old asked me if he even loves them. I have researched a lot about narsassim and most say this, going silent, is normal once the person has been "outed" as a narcissist. I'm happy he's leaving us alone but don't know what to tell the children.
Thank you.

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