Preschooler Acting Up at Daycare


Our 4 1/2 year old daughter paid me a compliment last night: "You are the meanest mommy I've ever seen!" This came after dispassionately informing her that she had lost all of her tickets because she received a negative note on her daily sheet at daycare, and she would be spending the rest of the evening in her room and going to bed right after supper ("doctor's" orders.)

Since we started using the ticket system in January, we have eliminated backtalk and tantrums at home. However, these behaviors are still making an appearance at daycare once or twice a week. Even though I'm apparently the Meanest Mommy title holder already, I'm wondering, do my husband and I need get meaner and somehow "tighten the screws" in order to eliminate these behaviors at daycare? Or is it expecting too much of her at this point to never have a bad report during the week? Should we "triage" the behavior notes (e.g. arguing with a friend over a toy isn't in the same arena as flailing around during a fit and hitting a teacher) and adjust consequences accordingly?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

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