Playing with children - this mom gets it.


My daughters (currently 5 and 7) ask me to play with toys with them (specifically) every few days. I have told them that they don’t need me to play and I have things I need to get done around the house. When I tell them this, they go off playing happily. However, a day or so later, back they come saying things like “When are you going to play with us?” “You haven’t played with us in a long time.”
I use to play with them frequently until I realized they were never satisfied and always asking for more. About a year ago I cut back on “toy” play time with them to about once or twice a month. I should also add that my husband plays with them about once or twice a month as well.
I spend time with them by doing things like cooking with them about once a week, playing a board game about once a week, doing arts and crafts a few times a month, and having story time each night. We also eat all of our meals together (they are homeschooled).
As a child, I recall being too busy playing happily to even think about asking my mom to play with me, so I am sure I am doing something wrong. I enjoy spending time and doing fun things with the girls from time to time, but I feel like they should be satisfied playing with their toys either by themselves or with each other. Any insight and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

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